My Own Personal Bird of the Century

Since I’m currently spending more time outside enjoying the summer weather, I’ve also been able to admire my most obscure yard decoration.

If you don’t watch Last Week Tonight, you may not be familiar with how John Oliver wielded his audience to help the pūteketeke win New Zeland’s Bird of the Century competition. You also wouldn’t know that the Metalbird company went the extra mile and created a tiny metal John Oliver to compliment their silhouette of the winning bird.

What you might be less surprised by is the fact that this metal duo ended up under my Christmas tree this year.

"A metal John Oliver riding a metal pūteketeke

It isn’t the perfect placement - ideally the silhouette would be against the open sky, but I couldn’t find a spot for that where it would still be visible. Still looks pretty cool where it lives, and hopefully it will catch the eye of our back yard guests. I also really love the look of the way the metal is weathering.